As Google continues to frequently change its ranking algorithm, online marketers have been tasked with keeping a website consistently ranking online. Higher rankings mean more traffic, right? The truth of the matter is that rankings aren’t everything. In terms of digital marketing, its best to create a plan that will give your website multiple ways to be seen by potential target audiences. Save your time and marketing efforts by forgetting about the ranking hype and focusing on what really matters.

Quality Information
Search engines are very attracted to fresh, quality, and information-rich content. This is because unique and quality content will help prove that you are an authority in your field or niche. A lot of people were caught in the ranking hype just because they failed to understand this simple truth. Instead of focusing on quality content, these websites may have bought into paid link schemes, “quick-SEO” black hat techniques or more. Doing so may have helped their sites at first, but the truth of the matter is that they have harmed their websites and now their sites were probably sent back to the very bottom of Google’s index.

Mixing Off-line and On-line marketing strategies
This is a great way to execute marketing plans! Do not solely focus your efforts online, but focus on offline marketing as well. In fact, you can actually combine the two. Ask in-store clients to like your Facebook page, or entice clients to use a Twitter #hashtag to promote a new offering. Get clients offline involved in your online marketing!

Proper On-Page SEO
This has gone by the wayside as most businesses are focusing on social media or keyword rankings. Proper On-page SEO is still very important! Make sure headings, meta tags and pages are optimized properly to help search engines know where to rank your website. Although your On-page SEO may count for 10 – 15% of your rankings, it also will help you categorize and organize your website. Proper organization will also help your audience flow through the website properly to the areas they are looking for.

These three points are just some ways to forget about focusing solely on keyword rankings and get your business out there online! Producing quality information, integrating your offline and online marketing methods, and ensuring that your page has proper On-page SEO will help your website visitors interact and convert. Don’t write just for the search engines and always keep your target audience in mind.