Mobile User Experience

Since the introduction of the iPhone in 2007, the mobile web has undergone a huge transformation. Responsive design wasn’t even talked about until just a couple of years ago, and now today it is the talk of ever web developer in the world. Almost everyone in the world has a phone in their pocket, and a lot of those people are gravitating towards smartphones like the iPhone and Android. As a business, it is imperative that you spend time and resources to put your content and products in front of this audience, or you’ll miss out on a huge number of potential conversions.

Why is a Mobile Experience so Important?

Whether we’re talking about marketing or website design, the mobile user experience that your company presents is very important. It is estimated that by 2016, one billion people will have smartphones in their pocket.

Considering that there are only around 2 billion people on the Internet today, that number is incredibly substantial. For your business, that means that everything you do on the web has to have a mobile component, whether it’s your website or your mobile search ads.

Why it Matters To Customers

Imagine a scenario for a second. You’re browsing on your iPhone, and you click a link. When you get to the page, you’re presented with a desktop class website. What this means is that in order to read any of the content, or fill out any of the forms you have to zoom in. That presents a huge barrier to consumers who want to get in and get out as quickly as possible. You, as a marketer, only have a few precious seconds to convince a visitor to stay on your website. Presenting a mobile user with a page they can’t read right away is a great way to get a person to bounce right off of the landing page.

Because there are so many smartphones out there, and so many of them are used for searching, it has become even more important that you focus on mobile user experience in everything you do on the web. People just won’t pay attention to your content if it isn’t optimized for their devices, and that means lost business and lost money.

From a marketing perspective, tools like Google AdWords have made it incredibly easy to target specific campaigns and advertisements towards mobile devices. From a design perspective, depending on which platform you use or who your developer is, responsive design has become much easier over the last two years with frameworks for all the major platforms, and even frameworks for non-platform attached sites.

With the ease of setting it up, and the amazing benefits, every business that takes their Internet marketing seriously needs to also take their mobile user experience seriously, or they will find they are missing out on a huge audience. StubGroup can help you marketing your business online. Let StubGroup help turn your Pay-Per-Click advertising into profits. Contact StubGroup by clicking here.