While there are many things that make Google AdWords the best online ad network, one of the things it really does better than any other platform is give you data about your campaigns. These come in the form of many different reports that can hold data that can be very useful in determining if your campaigns are operating efficiently.

The question you may have, if you’re new to Google AdWords is what reports are the most useful? Today we’re going to give you three of the best reports for you to review.

Ad Performance

This is by far the most useful report Google AdWords offers, and for pretty obvious reasons. It tells you how each of your advertisements are performing. Not only that but it will give you a break down of how the ad is performing in relation to the keywords that it is displaying for.

The report becomes even more useful when you take the big picture view. It allows you to view ad performance based on ad group. If you do a good job of group your advertisements within a campaign, you can view how a group of ads are performing based on several factors such as pricing and CTR.

Campaign Performance

One our most favorite reports is the Campaign Performance report. While it isn’t as great at giving you detailed information on the advertisement level of your campaign, it is great for seeing the historical performance of your campaigns, even those that have ended. This will allow you to see what campaigns have been successful, and for what metrics (price, CTR, CPC, etc.).

The month-to-month view, or the data over the past few years, will allow you to see how your campaigns perform at certain times of the year. For example, if you are advertising for an ecommerce store that sells custom iPhone accessories, you can see how your campaigns are affected by Apple announcements, and so on.

Demographic Performance

One of the keys to running a successful campaign is targeting your keywords and advertisements to a specific audience. It is one of the best ways to ensure that your CTR and PPC are efficient. The Demographic Performance report will allow you to check how your campaigns, ad groups, and ads did in certain demographics (including location, age, sex, and more).

While this report is still very useful, it doesn’t give the whole picture as it doesn’t include search demographics, just that from website-based advertisements; still it will allow you to get a better idea of which ads work best in what situations.

These are just three of the most useful reports that AdWords offers. We recommend looking through all the reports. Google Adwords provides a lot of data that will help you refine and target your marketing strategy. Need help? Contact us today.