One major problem we often discover while evaluating a potential client’s AdWords or Bing account is the inaccuracy or total absence of conversion tracking.

Today we will explain why that is a problem and why you should track conversions if you want to succeed with PPC.


Jimmy Jones’ business is booming.

He’s getting dozens of calls and online form submissions each day from people who see his ads on Google and Bing.

Life is great, until one day It happens.

Maybe Jimmy has been playing around with his accounts to try to get even more business. Maybe he hasn’t touched his accounts. All he knows is that the calls and forms have stopped.

Are his campaigns running? Yep. Is he still being charged ad spend? You bet. Why aren’t customers contacting him anymore?

Jimmy doesn’t know, because . . .

Jimmy didn’t use conversion tracking.


Jimmy is fictional, but his story is common.

If you don’t use conversion tracking you don’t know which part of your PPC strategy is working, which isn’t working, and how you can do better.

Maybe the only place you advertise is on AdWords, so you know that nearly everyone who contacts you saw your ads. That’s nice, but do you know which ads? Which keywords? What devices your customers use? Where in the country they live?

Here at StubGroup Advertising conversion tracking is crucial because, as a PPC management agency, we have to prove to our clients that the money they are spending is working. It’s also how we do better for our clients.


Accurate and comprehensive conversion tracking helps you justify your ad spend and improve your advertising performance.

If you want to succeed with PPC, track conversions. Track phone calls, form submissions, chats, orders, and every other interaction that customers and potential customers can have with you via your website and phone calls.

Use the conversion data you have tracked to make smart decisions about your PPC campaigns, and you can leave competitors like Jimmy Jones in the dust.

Not sure if you’re properly using conversion tracking? We can help. Call us at (888) 545-8404 or contact us for a free AdWords evaluation.