In the vast landscape of digital advertising, bid strategies play a pivotal role in determining the success of your campaigns. At StubGroup, we understand the complexities of bidding and are here to guide you through the various strategies, shedding light on when and how to use them effectively.

Manual Cost Per Click Bidding

Manual cost per click (CPC) bidding serves as a foundational strategy, providing advertisers with maximum control over their spending. By setting the maximum bid for a click, advertisers can carefully manage costs and focus on keywords that align with their budget. This approach is ideal for gaining insights into keyword costs and is often used as an initial strategy before transitioning to more advanced bidding techniques.

Enhanced Cost Per Click (ECPC)

Enhanced cost per click (ECPC) combines manual CPC with a touch of automation. With ECPC, Google actively adjusts bids based on the likelihood of driving a conversion. This strategy optimizes bids for conversions, allowing advertisers to allocate their budget to users more likely to convert.

Maximize Clicks Bidding

Maximize clicks bidding is a strategy focused on driving as much traffic as possible to your site. While it efficiently fills the system with data, it may not prioritize traffic that is more likely to convert. This strategy is often employed in the early stages of a campaign to gather data before transitioning to conversion-based bidding.

Maximize Conversions Bidding

Once sufficient conversion data is available, maximize conversions bidding comes into play. This strategy aims to maximize the number of conversions within a specified daily budget. It serves as a bridge to Target CPA bidding, where advertisers set a target cost per conversion.

Target CPA Bidding

Target CPA bidding allows advertisers to set a target cost per conversion, making it ideal for businesses where each conversion holds the same value. This strategy is commonly used for lead generation campaigns, with the flexibility to adjust based on budget and lead values.

Maximize Conversion Value Bidding

For e-commerce businesses with varying order values, maximize conversion value bidding is a valuable strategy. Google optimizes for traffic that drives the highest value based on imported conversion data, making it ideal for businesses with diverse product prices.

Target ROAS Bidding

Target ROAS bidding takes a holistic approach by balancing conversions and the cost associated with each conversion. This strategy is particularly useful for businesses offering products or services with varying profit margins.

Campaign Level vs. Ad Group Level Bidding Strategies

Choosing the level at which to apply bid strategies depends on your account structure and goals. Advertisers with distinct products or services may opt for ad group level bidding, while those with more similar offerings might choose the campaign level. It’s crucial to be patient when testing bid strategies, allowing them sufficient time to optimize without disrupting the learning phase.


Whether you’re a seasoned advertiser or just starting your digital advertising journey, understanding bid strategies is paramount for campaign optimization. At StubGroup, we are dedicated to helping you navigate the intricacies of bidding, ensuring your campaigns achieve maximum efficiency and success. If you have any questions or need further clarification on specific strategies, reach out to us and we’ll be happy to assist you in your digital advertising endeavors.