In the fast-paced arena of digital advertising, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. In this blog post, we’ll explore a revealing transcript where we at StubGroup, a top-tier Premier Google Partner digital advertising agency, share a valuable lesson learned from a misstep in our remarketing ads within Performance Max campaigns. We’ll dissect the pitfalls, unravel the dynamics of Performance Max campaigns, and provide insights on how marketers can sidestep a comparable mistake in their digital marketing pursuits.

What are Performance Max Campaigns?

Performance Max campaigns encompass a versatile campaign type that extends across Google’s network, covering search, shopping, display, Gmail, YouTube, and Discover. Leveraging machine learning, these campaigns optimize ad variations, empowering advertisers to furnish diverse headlines, descriptions, images, and optional videos. The concept revolves around allowing Google’s algorithms to discern the most effective combinations for various platforms, gauged by click-through and conversion rates.

The Performance Max Mistake

Recently at StubGroup, we identified a flaw in our Performance Max strategy: insufficiently providing context to Google. It’s important to be mindful of the extent of flexibility given to Google, particularly in remarketing campaigns. A lack of context in headlines and descriptions can result in ads that don’t make sense to viewers. This mistake can become more pronounced in remarketing, where the goal is not just clicks but also reinforcing brand messages through impressions.

How to Avoid This Issue

To steer clear of this pitfall, our experts advise marketers to scrutinize the context of different headlines and descriptions and review the ad previews. By thinking through the real-world implications of the ad variations, advertisers can ensure that the message remains cohesive and relevant. The challenge lies in remarketing, where impressions hold more value than clicks, making it imperative to create ads that are contextually relevant.


In conclusion, at StubGroup, we advocate for a thoughtful approach to creating Performance Max campaigns. Rather than blindly following Google’s recommendations, marketers should focus on the actual creative aspects of the ads. Context is king in digital advertising, and ensuring that your creativity is not only good but also contextually relevant is the key to running successful Performance Max campaigns. If you are interested in our assistance in creating your Performance Max campaigns or are interested in speaking with a team member, click here.