Google recently sent out an email to all Google Ads advertisers, and it contained some noteworthy information that could impact your advertising efforts. At StubGroup, a premier Google partner agency, we strive to keep up to date on the latest Google Ads trends and announcements in order to keep our advertisers in the know. In this blog post, we’re going to cover Google’s most recent announcement when it comes to the appeal process for suspended Google Ads accounts.

Google’s Account Suspension Appeal Process Update: October 2023

Starting in October 2023, Google is implementing changes to the account suspension appeal process. This change primarily affects those with suspended Google Ads accounts but is relevant for all advertisers. Let’s dive into what this means for you, whether you have a suspended account or not.

What is Advertiser Verification?

Advertiser verification is a system that Google has offered as an option for a while. It involves uploading your business documentation and a photo ID to confirm the legitimacy of your business and operations. Google has required this for certain accounts and made it available as an option for others. Advertiser verification is a great way to show transparency to Google about your business model and boosts their trust in you as an advertiser on their platform.

The New Requirement

Starting in October 2023, if you have a suspended Google Ads account due to a violation of Google Ads policies, you must complete Advertiser verification before appealing your account suspension. This is a significant change and one that all advertisers with suspended accounts need to be aware of.

For context, Advertiser verification has been a helpful part of the suspension appeal process for some time, though it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s a crucial step, but you’ll still need to address the root cause of your account suspension, whether it’s related to your website, ad account, payment method, or something else.

Who is Affected?

  • If you do not have a suspended Google Ads account, these changes do not directly apply to you. However, it’s advisable to complete Advertiser verification if it’s available in your account, as it can be beneficial in the long run and boost Google’s trust in you.
  • If you do have a suspended Google Ads account, this update is critical for you. Starting in October, Advertiser verification will be a mandatory step before appealing your account suspension.

Challenges and Considerations

While this change is significant, it’s essential to understand that Advertiser verification can sometimes be a challenging process. Some advertisers have faced difficulties in providing Google with the required information or understanding their specific requirements.

If you encounter any issues during the Advertiser verification process, consider seeking professional assistance. StubGroup, with our extensive experience in Google Ads, can help you navigate this process and address any challenges you may face.


In summary, Google is introducing a new requirement for advertisers with suspended accounts: Advertiser verification before appealing account suspensions, starting in October 2023. For those with active accounts, it’s a good practice to complete Advertiser verification if the option is available.

As the digital advertising landscape continues to evolve, staying informed about updates like these is crucial for your online success. If you have any questions or need assistance with your Google Ads account, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at

Remember, adapting to these changes is a proactive step toward a more secure and successful advertising experience. Stay informed, stay ahead!