Google Ads Account Suspended for Circumventing Systems? You’re Not Alone.

  • Are you losing money every day your ads are offline?

  • Did you try creating multiple Google ads accounts — and got suspended again?

  • Do you feel like you’re beating your head against a brick wall?

Many business owners believe a suspension from Google Ads for circumventing systems is a dead end. But what if we told you there’s a way back?

Navigate Beyond Your Suspension with Confidence

We have seen businesses improve their chances of reinstatement by adhering to the following guidelines. It’s not just about following rules; it’s about positioning your appeal for success.

Don’t yell at Google

It’s incredibly frustrating to be told that you can’t advertise and to get zero details about why or how you can fix it.

But — yelling at Google via phone or email will hurt your case.

The Google representatives you interact with are NOT the people who decided to suspend your account, and they are also NOT the people who will decide to reinstate it.

They’re just trying to do their job, sometimes with limited training about Google’s policies.

So always try to approach the situation with respect.

Be Careful about Hiring an “Expert” from Fiverr, Upwork, etc.

There are individuals who advertise via gig platforms such as Fiverr and Upwork that they will help get Google Ads accounts unsuspended.

Some of these individuals may be legitimate, but we’ve also seen some suspension problems compounded by “experts” from these platforms who have tried and failed to get clients back on Google.

Approach with care, and vet anyone you work with in this space. Look for reviews from real businesses they helped get back online.

Don’t Submit Appeal after Appeal

Google doesn’t have an official limit on the number of appeals that you can submit, but the more unsuccessful appeals you submit, the less likely it is that your next appeal will be reviewed.

Google expects you to submit new, relevant information if you resubmit an appeal. “Spamming” the appeal form will make your life worse.

Why is My Account Suspended for Circumventing Systems

Violating this policy is what Google calls an “egregious” violation. That means it’s even harder to come back from a Circumventing Systems policy suspension than from other “non-egregious” violations. However, this type of suspension certainly isn’t impossible to recover from.

If you’re flagged for this policy, Google is essentially saying that you are trying to trick users and/or get around Google’s systems.

It’s not hard to unintentionally and unknowingly violate this policy.

Some examples we’ve seen of this are:

  • A business migrates its website to a new domain and redirects its old domain to the new site but does not remove ads from its account that point to the previous domain period.

  • Companies creating a new Google Ads account or hiring an agency to do so without realizing that there is already an existing Google Ads account for their business/website.

  • Creating multiple Google Ads account when you already have a suspended account

  • Using a redirect on the landing page in your ads or having malicious links on your website (e.g. after a hack)

Proactive Strategies for Resolving Circumventing
Systems Suspension

There are a host of reasons why you might be flagged for Circumventing Systems so it’s important to take a deep dive into Google’s guidelines, your account, and your website to look for anything that could contribute to your suspension.

Utilize third-party scanning tools to look for malicious or outdated software, broken links, and redirects.

Make sure that your website clearly describes your business model and communicates your business relationships.

Search your personal and business email addresses to locate any additional accounts. You may have multiple accounts flying under the radar with business information that matches your suspended account.

If your account has been compromised, take the necessary steps to report this to Google and clean up the damages done in the account before you appeal your case.

Back in the Game: A Suspension Recovery Story

Watch the video below to learn how we fixed a particular Circumventing Systems policy suspension.

We Fix All Types of Google Ads and Google Merchant Center Suspensions

Suspended For Counterfeit Goods?

This means Google considers that your ads, website or app mimic the brand features of a product in an attempt to pass themselves off as a genuine product of the brand owner.

Suspended For Malicious Software?

This means Google considers that your ads and site or app either hosts or links to malicious or unwanted software, regardless of whether the software is promoted through the Google advertising network.

Suspended For Suspicious Payments?

This means Google considers that your account’s payment activity has been suspicious or fraudulent.

Suspended For Circumventing Systems?

This means Google considers that you engaged or attempted to engage in practices that circumvent or interfere with Google’s advertising systems and processes.

Google Merchant Center Suspension?

This means your Merchant Center account has been temporarily blocked from advertising due to violations such as counterfeit goods, misrepresentation, or policy non-compliance, impacting your ability to run ads.

Suspended For Unacceptable Business Practices?

This means Google considers that you’re scamming users by concealing or misstating information about your business, products or services, or that your ad destinations use “phishing” techniques to gather user information.

Find Out If We Can Help You

Every Google Ads suspension is unique, so let’s discuss your situation and if/how we can help

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Frequently Asked Questions About Google Ads Suspensions

You need to identify what Google has flagged as a problem, fix that problem, and then submit a respectful and detailed appeal to Google.

That sounds easy but it can be incredibly hard because Google won’t tell you exactly what the problem is. That’s why StubGroup offers our expertise to help get legitimate advertisers reinstated.

It’s common for Google to suspend websites for tactics that are being used by competitors, and for those competitors to keep advertising with Google while you are dead in the water.

Google can be very inconsistent in how they enforce their policies. Unfortunately, the argument “but my competitors are doing this” doesn’t bear weight when you submit an appeal. Once you are suspended, all that matters is you convincing Google that you have fixed the problem and that your account is following Google’s guidelines & policies.

There is no official limit, but from our experience, the more appeals you submit, the harder it will be to get Google to continue to review them.

That’s why you need to be thorough to fix every potential problem before you submit an appeal, and be detailed in the appeal that you submit to explain exactly what you did to address the problem.

Google offers phone support for technical problems, but those representatives are not on the policy team and they don’t have access to details about why your account was suspended.

Phone support can be helpful for things like following up to request the status of a ticket you filed, or having them check your website for any links that are flagged as malicious. But when it comes to decision makers and people who know why your account is suspended, Google has built a firewall between that team and Google partners and advertisers.

Since 2013, StubGroup’s expert team of suspension specialists has been helping suspended advertisers get back online with Google Ads. We understand how “life and death” circumventing systems suspensions can be for a healthy, active Google Ads account, so if your account is suspended and you’re looking for immediate help to get back online, let’s talk.

Because every suspension and advertiser is unique, we evaluate each suspension situation independently. Sometimes that means we have to tell you we don’t see a path forward for you to advertise with Google again. Other times the root problem is solvable and we’re able to work with you and Google to resolve Google’s concerns and get you back online.

Throughout the entire process, we will be direct and transparent with you and ask that you be the same with us. We don’t have time for advertisers who are trying to trick Google and who knowingly violate Google’s policies. But if you’re operating a legitimate business and simply need help navigating and resolving Google’s sometimes complex policy requirements, we’re here to help!