Conversions YOY
Conversion Rate YOY
Cost per Conversion
“StubGroup’s expertise and dedication have been instrumental in transforming our online presence. Their meticulous attention to detail and strategic approach have not only boosted our conversions but also allowed us to expand our business. We’re grateful to have a partner like StubGroup who truly cares about our success.”
When they came to StubGroup, their Google Ads account was under very poor care. A combination of loose keyword match types (Broad), ineffective ad copy, automated bidding, imprecise tracking, and suboptimal landing pages resulted in low profitability.
We started by troubleshooting and fixing the tracking in the Google Ads account to make sure we had accurate and comprehensive data to work with. After we fixed and set up tracking for all possible actions (including form submissions and phone calls), we moved on to restructuring and rebuilding the campaigns. We executed thorough keyword research and segmented keywords into thematic ad groups and campaigns, in such a way that allowed both maximizing the lowest-hanging fruit and creating ads with an “Excellent” ad score. Lastly, we turned our attention to the landing pages. We worked with the client’s team to tweak the landing pages to encourage users to take action and thus increase the on-page conversion rate.
Our newly launched campaigns showed results almost immediately we saw a spike in conversion volume during our first month of ads management, while also decreasing the cost per conversion. By constantly analyzing the data and optimizing the campaigns accordingly, we managed to scale these results. At the end of our first year of management, orders were through the roof, and the client was expanding their team to handle the existing order volume and continue to scale.