




Cost per Conversion


“Before StubGroup we were spending thousands with little results. They came in and cut our spend by 25%, now we’re getting 50% more leads than ever before.”


Terry Moving and Storage, a specialized moving company, needed to generate more leads and fill their unique storage ‘vaults’. Unlike traditional options like U-Haul’s pods, their vault system offers a distinctive service.

To achieve their goals, they enlisted our expertise to enhance their lead generation for both moving and storage solutions, all while reducing their cost per conversion.


Terry Moving and Storage had several challenges. They were in a competitive market in Orange County and surrounding areas and didn’t want to get into bidding wars with competitors. Their initial cost per click (CPC) was high, so they wanted to reduce this CPC without compromising on conversion quality.

Additionally, they aimed to secure long-distance, more profitable moves over shorter ones. This required campaign adjustments to target customers looking for long-distance moves. Although early campaigns showed little progress, continuous tweaking paid off and we saw better conversion rates for storage and interstate moves.


Our strategy focused on distinct campaigns for interstate storage and local moving, supported by targeted remarketing.

First we launched search campaigns for interstate moving, storage, and local moving. Each was optimized with specific and negative keywords to target better. Then we launched a display remarketing campaign for users who had seen our ads so Terry Moving and Storage would stay top of mind.

On Facebook we promoted storage services to educate customers and raise awareness of their unique vault system, so we could remarket to them later.


We saw big results for Terry Moving and Storage.

They saw an 86% increase in clicks, 166% increase in conversions, and a 21% decrease in cost per conversion.