Did you receive an email from Google stating that the gBraid parameter will be enabled for your URLs?
What Does This Mean?
This notification is related to Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) policy change back in April 26, 2021.
Google has developed two updates to the way it reports and measures conversion information for ads serving on iOS 14 traffic, in order to comply with Apple’s policy change.
One update is for the impact on Google Click ID, website, and offline conversions – via the new URL parameter named wBraid, and the second update for the impact on the app deep-link conversions – via the new URL parameter named gBraid.
In this email notification Google is letting you know that your account is eligible to use the parameter gBraid.
What Action Do I Need to Take?
Since the gBraid parameter is related solely to apps, you can simply ignore this notification in case you don’t have a mobile app.
If you do own a mobile app for your brand, you’re running campaigns sending mobile users directly to relevant pages in your app rather than your website (which is what “deep-linking” means), and you’re measuring in-app conversions, then this update should definitely catch your attention.
gBraid will help you measure app conversions driven by ad campaigns on iOS. This new parameter is added to landing page URLs when auto-tagging is enabled for all iOS14.5+ clicks.
Refer to Google’s instructions here – under How to set up gBraid – to make sure you can make use of the new measurement.