
Number of Customer YOY


Revenue Increase YOY


“We picked StubGroup as a partner to help insure that we get good traffic that converts into highmargin quality deals. They’ve done an excellent job at producing those results.”

Wade Lowe
President of Site Fuel USA


Site Fuel connects businesses with thousands of fuel suppliers, anywhere in the country, via a single solution. They offer real-time fuel management solutions to airlines, construction sites, news crews, emergency response teams, and anyone else who needs timely, cost-effective fuel deliveries. Site Fuel approached StubGroup looking for a partner to help scale their startup by positioning Site Fuel as a solution to businesses/organizations searching for fuel delivery. Site Fuel’s objective was to attain this positioning via strategic pay-per-click advertising.


StubGroup took over the management of Site Fuel’s Google Ads campaigns. First, StubGroup implemented comprehensive conversion tracking (including phone calls, form submissions, and chats). Next, StubGroup began analyzing Site Fuel’s Google Ads engagement data to identify the most valuable types of ad traffic and the best-performing messaging. Through continued optimizations and ongoing split-testing, StubGroup has been able to focus SiteFuel’s ad spend on the most profitable aspects of their campaigns, while also strategically expanding Site Fuel’s advertising to other effective PPC channels (e.g. Microsoft Ads).


Through strategic PPC advertising with StubGroup, and Site Fuel’s excellent customer service and delivery mechanisms, this California-based company increased gross monthly revenue by 733% within one year.